The first 39 books of the Bible are called the Old Testament. 12 of those books are called the Minor Prophets (because the books are small). Micah is the sixth of the 12.
Micah prophesied to both the Southern and the Northern Kingdoms of Israel. His message was two part: Israel’s sin and the consequence - God’s judgment and God’s promise of restoration to His people.
Micah speaks much of the idea of shepherding, first calling the false shepherds of Israel into account with the Lord, and then picturing the glorious Shepherd, the One from God, Who would come and redeem the remnant of His people from the hands of the nations (the very hands God, Himself, sent them into because of their sin against Him).
In the end, when God’s judgment has done its work, He will call to the remnant of His people, and they will finally see their sin, repent, and come back to the Lord their God. He will then, with His Own hands, eternally care for the remnant of His people, making them into a great nation.
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